
Coping with Feelings of Anger

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I believe that anger has to be expressed to be healthy because people can’t hold in everything because it will cause extreme stress and could cause health concerns. Expressing yourself and letting someone know how you really feel is better for everyone’s health in the long run. This way you are getting out all out putting it on the table and the other person doesn’t feel so bad about you being angry because they now know how to fix the problem or change behaviors that upset one another. Using this anger as motivation is the best way I think. Everyone fighting for a common goal in the community is a major healthy anger. People with the same want and needs need to stand up for. Anger is also used to drive yourself toward your ultimate goals. It pushes you to the top because it is what’s burning inside to keep you motivated. Unreasonable Expectations Getting up in the morning and realizing that there are a ton of things to do today. You grab a pen and paper and you start making a list. The list looks reasonably short and it looks like this will be an easy task. As you are getting these tasks done you start adding this to your list and then you start getting anxious because you have to scramble quick to mark those tasks off of your list. Finally you are getting close to getting these tasks done and your spouse calls you with a bunch of other things that you needed to do and on top of that you have a 5 page paper due at school tomorrow that you had totally spaced. Now as you lay down in bed you still have the stress burning in your stomach because you got the most important things done but you can stop thinking about all of the other things you couldn’t get too. Hurt Pride or Self-Esteem So you spend a ton of time at your job that makes you miss a lot of family time. It’s a suffering now for rewards later scenario in your head. You want to become the supervisor in your department and you seem to be the front runner for the job

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