I suffer from depression. In life, some find it easy to let go and get over things. I don’t. On a day to day basis, I focus on my past and things that have hurt me. Bruises that are left in my head that will never clear up. My journey with discovering my own depression began five years ago. I was going through a divorce with my ex-husband who was cheating on me with a family member. While going through my divorce my son and I were homeless and sleeping in my jeep. There were nights where I had to decide if I was going to eat. I reconnected with a guy I knew from elementary school when I came back to Delaware. He soon become my significant other who I started living with. I got two jobs to pay for my lawyer at McDonalds and The Sheraton making only 7.25 at both. I had to travel back and forth to Georgia on a greyhound bus to go to court every month. On top of fighting for my son I was pregnant with my second child. I was awarded sole custody after one year and $10,000 later. The day I went to court to finalize the papers was four days after my C-section. Needless to say, I still had staples in my stomach and unfortunately still had to ride the Greyhound. Shortly after this my only family member that I trusted, was my sister, and she had died. She died of a car crash at the age of 29. I had to pay for her whole funeral by myself. I dressed her and did her hair and makeup in the back of the funeral home. After all of this, which was enough, I found out my significant other had been cheating on me with numerous women. I was, and still am devastated. He was there through everything. I left for a couple months to only come back. I had gone to my grandparents who do not care for me and are racist. On top off all this drama, they invited my ex-husband and my mother to stay at the house too. My significant other decided to tell me he wanted his family back and that he was going to change. When the kids and I came back I found out I was pregn