
The Joy Luck Club - An-Mei

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The growth of humans is astounding because of one’s ability to wonder and to be curious. Eventually, one’s curiosity may lead to injury and a scar is born. Scars do not only symbolize the healing of the physical wound, but it also ties in emotionally. Others may dismiss scars and learn from it while others have emotional roots attached. An-Mei is a good example of this because she has roots that connect what she has been through. In this chapter, one will unveil the roots that consist of scars, bones and soups. Scars express the pain of one’s past or memory. It serves an effect that is eternal and a continuous reminder of someone that should be long forgotten. A scar acts like an armor that protects the injuries underneath just like one taking a bullet for a close friend. In the passage, An-Mei’s scar is an everlasting reminder of her mother that was shunned. She was someone nobody wanted to affiliate with because of her disgraceful actions. In this instance, the painful memory inflicted a wound from which she couldn't run away. Scars only display the exterior of someone while the bones show what is beneath the skin. It demonstrates one’s true nature because it is deeper than the surface’s identity. A good example of this is not eating something that doesn't look appetizing. Gazing at one’s bones instead of looking at their appearance is like mining a hole to find who they actually are. Bones also symbolize the unchangeable relationship between family members. One may not seem like a parent on the outside, however on the inside is where the real connection lies. An-Mei discovers that she sees herself in her mother. “Here is how I came to love my mother. How I saw in her my own true nature. What was beneath my skin. Inside my bones” (Tan 21). Connections aren’t the only way An-Mei shows through her bones; she shows it through the love for her mother as a young girl. However, her love is vanquished by the anger of t

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