Over the years, people have been accusing one another without any proof or evidences to be proving guilty, this was called witch hunt. People sometimes get confused between a witch hunt and a witch trail. A witch hunt is when you accused someone without evidences, while witch trials are trail to prove that they are guilty. In the 1950s, the people who supported McCarthyism began to accuse people like play writers, actors, and even singers of being communist. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible based on the Salem witch trials, but he also based it on his life. Arthur Miller was accused of being a communist, by a senator in Wisconsin by the name Joe McCarthy after writing a play about McCarthy. Witch hunt still occur today, especially for women in the workplace. Women have been treated like third class citizens since 1848, the start of the women suffrage movement. Most men believe that women are inferior, based on how they act, how they use their time, etc. Women know how to balances their lives, like work and home in an elegant manner. They plan out each day, of what they are going to do. Sometime it is overwhelming for women to plan their day, because things can all of a sudden pop up out of nowhere. According to Measuring the Distance: 150 Years of Woman's Activism written by Michelle Meadows she said, “We trace the movement or define it for ourselves, we find that it has somehow tugged on our psyche and challenged our beliefs about what women can and can't do. By marking every area of life--from employment to public policy, from sports to academics woman's activism has changed the way society perceives us and the way we perceive ourselves ”Meadows, M. (1998,para.4). What she is saying is women have struggled since the beginning of time. Women believe that their purpose in life was to cook, clean and take care of the children. Now women are trying to prove to the men that they can do so much more then cook, clean and take care of children. Women are generally considered to be less productive than men, despite the fact this is not true. Women are equ