As we learned from the introduction to Native American history, much of the Native American history is often twisted and there is usually very little truth to what most Americans know or believe they know about the Native’s history. Much of the Native American history is over shadowed by what we see in books and movies where Indians are always savages and killing the cowboys or other characters and then scalping them. The problem with not knowing the accurate history of the Native Americans is that people then do not know that natives played important roles in all of the wars that have been fought in American history dating from the French and Indian War. This includes the war like the American Revolution. This does not mean natives were always fighting for Americans because most commonly there were different tribes fighting for both sides and tribes that were neutral that would fight when they felt the need to. The result was that different tribes may have been treated differently based on who they fought for when the war had ended. The first major white man war that the Natives took part in was the French and Indian war also known as the Seven Years War was the final Colonial War (1689-1763) involving Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden. This war was being fought in Europe, India, and North America ( The North American portion was being fought between the English and the French as they battled for colonial domination. This war was called the French and Indian war in North America because according to the British the Indians were allied with the French whom they were fighting against (Fleming). However this was not completely true. It was true that the French had many Indian allies due to their nicer trading habits, most of the Algonquian tribes, but the British had the cooperation of the Iroquois. Furthermore to further exemplify how strong the native involvement was, “The actual engagement