I know a girl. A girl whose dog is more than her best friend. A girl who stays home to be with her dog. I know a girl who stayed home from school to raise a sick, near dead puppy. A girl whose life was torn right out of her hands, January 24th of the New Year. Two weeks. Two weeks is how long it’ll take for things to be destroyed without you even knowing. Two months is the time before you finally learn that it’s over. Two years. The time spent trying to forget about everything and the way it was unfairly destroyed. I know a girl whose parents used to abuse her. I know a girl who struggled through all the empty thoughts and endless pain. A girl whose reason to live is her dog. A lifeline ripped away from her without hesitation. “She’ll stay in the pound. We’re keeping her safe and waiting.” Lies and lies fall from those who are supposed to be good. Those who are supposed to be helping. But why help someone you don’t know, especially if you get a bigger paycheck without doing it. Maybe they didn’t know. Perhaps it was just a lie to keep everyone alright at the moment. Look to the present, the future isn’t here yet. I wish I could say that humanity has more humanity than that, but I guess the word humanity is a trope. The fact a human can do something inhumane without guilt is inhumane itself. And for what? A little bonus at the end of the month? Lives are torn apart and families destroyed beyond repair. “It was an amazing and extraordinary moment in my career” says Social Worker Siobhan Condon, bragging on Facebook about ripping a family apart. Trying to justify her bragging by claiming she thought her Facebook was set to private, the whole world saw her gloating about her “fine nails and shoes win over courts.” But sure, this is just one case. One bad egg does not spoil the bunch. But one bad egg does not mean there are not more bad eggs. I know a girl whose dog was taken away from her January 24th. The girl