I realize that I don’t fully know who I am. I am still learning about myself as time passes. I could probably even name a person or two that could say they know me better than I know myself. What I do know is this: I am 22 years young and I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. And I may be naïve about some things, but, I have experienced a lot as well. I want to start with the fact that I love to learn. You might find me in my spare time with a book in hand. I also love to write. I have a bunch of kin, some I might not know but, most I love to spend time with. I share a bond with a soul that will not ever change. But I do not have any kids of my own. I am 22 years old and I was born In Minneapolis, MN on a cold winter Monday in November 2nd 1992. My grandmother raised me and my 3 siblings. I was always told that I’ve been with her since the age of 2. However, I was never all that interested in the details for certain reasons. My mother and father always existed somewhere in the back of my mind but they were never “there." Whether their absence was due to drugs, prison, or both I’m still not sure. I was always kept sheltered from it. I was faced with what at the time I considered to be one of the most life changing decisions of all time. I was going into junior high and my grandmother had decided out of nowhere to move back to her home state of Mississippi. Of course you can already guess how I felt about it. I really had no choice in the matter. After all, I really didn’t have anyone else at the time. I still like to refer to it as the worst decision ever. Everything was different. It was kinda like a culture shock for me. There weren’t any lights, no tall buildings, or regular neighborhoods with sidewalks. The fields went on for miles and miles. Full of cotton, corn and other crops. The people talked with a country accent and made fun and picked with me for being the new girl and talking proper as they liked to call