
Clashing Views of Race and Ethnicity

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The two articles we are to examine for this essay deal with the issue of immigration to the U.S. and whether or not the debate is racist. On the “Yes” side, supporting the presumption that the immigration debate in the U.S. is very racist and discriminatory to other cultures, particularly Latinos and Mexicans is Carlos Fuentes, a prominent Mexican writer and social commentator, while on the “No” side is Samuel Huntington, a political science activist and Albert Weatherhead III, a professor from Harvard. The argument for immigration and the assimilation of immigrants into the U.S. rests on the fact that immigrants bring ethnic and cultural diversity to the United States and they provide cheap labor for many of the tasks most Americans would rather not do, vitalizing our economy. On the other side, the argument against immigration is based on the assumption that Latino culture is so drastically different from American culture that there is no hope of ever assimilating them completely into American culture and that the immigrants will remain at odds with American culture and challenges the unity of the nation as a whole. Also, they say that these incoming immigrants from Central and South America are actively taking jobs from poorer Americans and add to the already serious crime problem in inner city communities. I disagree with the stance against immigration to the United States because I, myself, am an immigrant from Nigeria. My father is a contributing member of American society, we speak English and have assimilated quite effectively to where people cannot tell I am African because I dress, speak, act and consider myself an American. America is at its heart nation of immigrants. The debate against immigration would have us forget that many of the Caucasians clamoring for the elimination of all immigrants were several generations ago immigrants themselves as their forefathers were definitely not the first to inhabit the Americ

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