
Drawing as Expression

21 Pages 857 Words 1557 Views

I sit down. I drink tea, lots of tea. Sometimes, I drink coffee instead; it creates a nice, small buzz of energy in my body. I just sit there, staring at a blank page. I do this for a while until I start to draw. A blank page represents the excitement of creating. The page is just calling for you to make a mark and start something new. There are so many possibilities here and you are in charge. You can do anything and no one can stop you. If anything, you can always start with a new blank page. I realized that my affection for drawing didn’t begin at any school, or under any instructor’s guidance. Other than my stick figures drawn as a child I realized that my drawing started appearing in middle school and high school. I remember drawing flowers in a park I use to live close too. I remember drawing the cat that would always sit on my neighbor’s window in the afternoon. When you draw you can see how you’ve grown. From your early, not so detailed scribbles, to much more detailed and refined drawings. It feels good, and the growth is almost endless. I will say that I draw because I am not musically talented; that my lack of ability to write a good break-up song forces me to draw instead. I am very uncoordinated, so being a dancer is out of the question. I might say that it is because I am not a good writer; making all of my poems rhyme even when they don’t have too, always having a “happily ever after” at the end of a story. Drawing has always made me feel good.Drawing keeps me thinking and keeps me entertained. I get lost while I draw; it is my way of entering a world that no one else can see until I make the marks on paper and even if no one gets to see it, I can still be my own audience. I want a way to express the images in my mind other than writing. Sometimes, something can only be born in visual, and when it is there, it is beautiful. I draw to express my feelings. Sometimes, words and writing can not express what is

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