
Putting an End to Gossip

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You are in a group of friends having a grand old time, and all of the sudden Susie begins to talk about what Sally wore to school today. Gossiping and talking about other people have become a habitual part of today’s society. We all know it is wrong to do it, so how do we stop? There are 3 ways to quit. One, think about the consequences. Two, do not surround yourself by those whom you know are frequent gossipers. Three, you could change the topic if a person begins to gossip. In the book of Proverbs, consequence is the foundation of Proverbs. Most proverbs stated have a consequence to be followed after. Also, if an individual wants to be wise, Gossip Road will eventually come to a dead end. Many proverbs hail wise men and rebuke evil men. Proverbs encourage people to be wise and to seek wisdom. Proverbs mention gossiping is not wise. All in all what Susie says about Sally says more about Susie than it does about Sally. First task is to recognize that gossiping is wrong. So, why is it wrong? Well, The Bible says it is wrong, right? If one was to tell their comrade that they should not gossip because the Bible says so, that person would probably be next on the gossip list. The most reasonable thing to do is to use common sense to get the gossiper to reason, rather than the Bible. Maybe that person can sit their comrade down and mention gossiping damages relationships. After all that is mentioned in Proverbs; “A perverse person stirs up conflict and a gossip separates close friends” (Proverbs 16: 28). As one can see there is an action and a consequence; this is spotted through out Proverbs. A couple more “ A wise man holds his tongue. Only a fool blurts out everything he know; that only leads to sorrow and trouble” (Proverbs 10:14). Although this is not associated exactly with gossiping; but, one can understand the consequences if one gossips. Also, one can recognize gossiping is not morally or ethically correct. It hinders goo

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