
High School and the Reaches of Racism

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High school should not be extended from the current four year commitment to a five year program. Within four years of high school, I have been able to achieve many volunteer hours, meet all of the requirements for college admission and participate in extracurricular activities. Graduation requirements can be met in have three years of high school. Every Sunday I volunteer at my church and help with either the lights or sound during the service. I have been doing this every week for the past two years and if you added up all the hours it would be over 100 hours of volunteering. If the decision were made to add another year of high school to help students get more volunteer hours, it would not necessarily work. The students need to be motivated to volunteer and if they have no motivation to volunteer or haven’t found the right opportunity, then adding another year of school would not address these issues. If you think about it, high school is really only three years. Our last year has become a waiting game, no one has the motivation to really get anything done in school. Additionally, many students suffer from “senioritis." Senioritis is basically not doing anything for your senior year of high school. If high schools went to five years of high school, it would be wasting two years instead of one. If the school district were to rewrite the entire high school education system for a five year high school, and change the last year of high school to be more purposeful, then I would be supportive of the idea. The last year could be dedicated to developing specific job skills, or give us the ability to take college classes in our school for college credit. This type of a curriculum, which would result in an extra year of high school, would be an amazing idea. By having a career building year, it would better prepare us for the real world, and give us the experience we need for our future job. Unless the school district is willing to in

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