“Growing up in Kentucky, I always dreamed of doing something challenging.” Those words came from Carl Brashear in which he did achieve that goal of his. He soon becomes known as the first ever Navy Diver to be given active duty as an amputee. In the informational text, Brashear went to boot camp in which that’s where he decided to become a deep sea diver. In 1954, he graduated from a diving school and a few years later became a master diver. The text also stated while Brashear was on a mission where he was struck by a pipe and soon got lifted off to the Navy hospital. Once out of the hospital he began a rigorous training trying to get back on the Navy diving team. The crucial points of the film would be that it showed a visual outlook on the way he was treated. The introduction of the film start off with him coming to the base and not being let in because of his race. It basically shows all his accomplishments, struggling to fit in with other, and how he overcame the thoughts of never being a deep sea diver. The authors purpose for writing the informational text would be to give the reader key background information about Carl Brashear and to inform how he became a well-known U.S. deep sea diver. The informational text is written in 3rd person. Considering that the text is written in 3rd person it gives the reader an advantage, this is true because if this text was written in 1st person you probably wouldn’t be given as much information. The author’s perspective would be to tell the readers any information that is meaningful and satisfying to the reader. On the other hand if it was written in 1st person the author would only give information that he genuinely wants you to know. This will restrain the reader from getting all the research that they will need. In similarity, the informational text and the film both had those key points of his life. Both sources describe how he lost his leg and how he overcame the racism that h