Executive Summary Star Software firm is a young software development firm. It is one of the software development companies in the world and sells most of their custom made software and calendar programs to around 100000 businesses which in turn uses their software for promotion purposes. Being the youngest and vibrant business firm, Star Company has only 500 employees and faces the toughest task of scheduling tasks to generate high income. The business calendar varies and experiences highest demand in the months of July, August, September, and October. In other months like January, February, March, and April; the opposite happens in which there is less work in the company and most of the employees during this period are idle. Environmental Analysis Star company was founded as a commercial printing company and has evolved through years into a marketing facility for high quality software which are customized to meet the client’s business needs. The company was sold to McLenore in 1989 and under his able leadership and commitment turned it into one of the successful software business firm in the world. Target Market Small and upcoming business has been the main target market for Star company since it development. After a thorough insight into the current market trends and the capabilities that the company have, the below are the proposed changes and consequentially new target market; Differentiating its software products to fit other sectors like schools, manufacturing companies, organizations etc. Introducing Consultancy Services This will be another target market that will be used in selling services and not products. This is a type of service that will help the small business on the kind of software that are fit for their businesses. Sub-contracting with other companies to deliver a certain task. This is where a different company takes in contracts services and hands them over to the Star Company to deliver. In turn the two companies’ shares the amount given. Current Marketing Objectives and Performance SWOT analysis Strengths The star software company’s product differentiation mechanism has been the main strength in streamlining its market orientation. Its products and services are of high quality. The second strength is the company’s customization of its products to meet their client’s business needs. The long time in software development field with consis