Freedom is a source of power that comes directly from people itself. Some people define freedom only if you are liberated physically beyond the political borders, but, I will argue the other important half of freedom which is spiritual. Kosovars practiced this type of freedom to connect with God by following a life path. Religious people believed the supernatural beings and were only obeying power of God. On the other hand, Freedom is the right to act, speak or think without any barrier. During our history, the term "liberty" was banned due to Yugoslavian regime. Liberty was associated with independence and was often misunderstood by politicians. Therefore, in this paper it will be shown that in the excerpts from "1984" and Dostoyevsky's, freedom is a type of power although all characters in the literature would argue with this. In summary, on the first reading "the brothers Karamazov" written by Dostoyevsky, the story takes place in Spain. The debate includes the period when Jesus Christ was tempted by devil. Although, "the grand inquisitor" who heads the institution, orders safeguards to prevent Jesus doing his work because they did not want Christ to achieve his goal. The reason of preventing him was because they believed that Jesus work was in accordance with the church agenda. Therefore, they reminded him when Devil offered Jesus three temptations. According to the Ivan, there were three forces which are: miracle, mystery, and authority. Jesus rejected all of them. On the first temptation, Devil really wanted to know if Jesus is son of God. Christ ultimately refused by replying that man should follow the word of God and to not live from bread. On the second temptation, Jesus was told to perform a miracle in order to prove that he is son of God. Devil positioned Jesus on a pinnacle of temple and persuaded to demonstrate his supernatural abilities. But, Jesus refused to do so telling Devil he cannot tempt God. While, the last temptation was through power. Devil presented Jesus all powers in world and accessed Jesus to control them. Ultimately, Christ refused. On the second reading called "1984" by Geroge Orwell the two main characters are O'Brien and Winston. The story was written in 1949, but takes place forty years later in a imaginary land called Oceania. O'Brien tries to convince Winston to obey the "Party's" power controlled