During the periods of 1914 and 1939 Canada comprised of different ethnic groups and nationalities, some of which had citizenships from their countries and hence where deemed as Enemy Aliens, among these were Ukrainian Canadians, German Canadians Jewish refugees and Japanese. These people were already in Canada before 1914 and some came after but because Canada was at war with their countries they automatically began enemy aliens due to suspicion and mistrust. These people were rounded up and put in internment camps. These people’s lives after internment were characterized by discrimination, forced labour, and they hardly had any freedom, they stayed in hastily made shacks abandoned buildings and in some cases barns, these places were unsanitary and this led to death in some cases. Such conditions and treatment were extremely bad and rather inhuman even for enemies for the state. The origin of “Enemy Aliens” comes from the world wars.in the case of Ukrainians these were peasants who migrated to Canada between the periods of 1891 and 1914, to break the prairie and farm. With the coming of the world war in 1914 these people became enemy aliens because Canada was at war with Austria –Hungary which controlled these parts of Ukraine, so suspicion fell on these Ukrainian Canadians. This is almost the same with the Italians who came into Canada during the late 19th century but because of their close link to Germany as seen by Italian fascism they also became enemy Aliens with the beginning of the second world war. The origin of German Canadians dates back to 1760 with the coming of Germans to the , “New France “the American revolution and immigration after that, but because Germany was one of the main countries fighting against Canada in the world wars its nationalities became the most vilified enemy aliens. The Japanese, Bulgarians and Turks also became enemy aliens because they were German allies the Japanese having entered the