In the novel "Of Mice and Men," John Steinbeck uses detailed language to describe the loneliness each character feels in a way that the movie could not. Using descriptions of each of the characters’ moves helps the reader to truly understand the solitary life that the men on the farm live, making it clearer to the reader that when George kills Lennie, he is alone like the rest of them. The novel portrayed the theme of companionship versus loneliness much better than the movie. When the only companion left in Candy’s life was taken away from him, he was left utterly alone. The way Steinbeck describes the awkwardness and sadness of the situation is in a way that a film could not show - for example, he says, “Candy lay still, staring at the ceiling. There came a little gnawing sound from under the floor and all the men looked down toward it gratefully. Only Candy continued to stare at the ceiling.” (56) When Steinbeck repeats the fact that Candy stares at the ceiling, the reader can see how Steinbeck is trying to stress the sudden loneliness Candy feels. Additionally, the movie does a poor job of showing Lennie and George’s companionship compared to the novel. “‘Go on,’ said Lennie. George raised the gun and his hand shook, and he dropped his hand to the ground again. ‘Go on,’ said Lennie. ‘How’s it gonna be. We gonna get a little place.’” (99) Their friendship is not truly shown in the ending of the movie like it is in the novel, because the novel shows how much more difficult it is for George to shoot Lennie. In the book, it takes George several attempts to kill Lennie whereas in the movie he just puts the gun up to the back of Lennie’s head and pulls the trigger. The film fails to capture the personification of silence like the book is able to do, let alone express Candy’s sorrow. Candy is characterized by his friendly personality and his need to leave the ranch with George and Lennie, as well as hi