Introduction Video games, the sugar rush of every child’s dream. The escape from this supposed reality into a world where we are and can be whatever whenever and however we want. A world without limitations, where everything is possible and nothing has to end. The most fantasizing reality we have ever known and will ever know. But wait, what do we know? Pause for a minute. Lose the high and come down off cloud nine. What do we know about this phenomenon that knows everything about us? Where did it come from? Where did it start? Who did it start with? Which great mastermind conceived this brilliance that still has us in awe of its infinite beauty and where is he or she or they now? The gaming industry refers to the world of online and interactive video gaming. Though its exact origins may be shrouded in uncertainty, it undoubtedly has grown to become one of the biggest play makers in the modern day entertainment industry. It’s all encompassing range, allows for it to be utilized and enjoyed by all factions of the human race. Young and old, rich or poor, everyone has at one point or the other dabbled in the gaming industry. History The gaming industry started, as did most great things, as a figment of one man's imagination. From the mind Ralph H Bear, a man who stopped formal education at the age of 14 to work in a leather factory, [Dav14] gaming consoles were born, his Magnavox Odyssey being the first of a multibillion dollar industry's birth. Granted, the first ever video game, 'tennis for two" created by William Higginbotham was a great success in the labs and military bases that had the money and technology to acquire games and their required equipment,[Mar15] the true birth of an industry, of the gaming industry was the release of the Odyssey. The idea came to Ralph while he was sitting at a bus stop one hot afternoon waiting for a business partner. To quote from his biography, "I took advantage of my free time and jotted down some notes on the subject of using ordinary home TV sets for the purpose of playing games"[Ste01] after this supposed jotting down, there was no stopping him. The Odyssey just had to be born and so it was on the 1st of Sep 1966, its first prototype the brown box. The brown box, once plugged in, could be used to aim a “light gun” and play football, tennis and roulette games. After failing to attract interest from major TV makers such as General Electric, Motorola and Zenith, Sanders the company for which Mr. Bear worked with and for, in partnership with him, licensed the technology to Magnavox in 1971.[Dav14] The console, named “Odyssey,” arrived in stores the next year. The initial consol was priced at 100$ and sold hundreds of thousands of during its first few years. Its games, however served as the bases for most of the games developed after and to a large extend served as the bases of the gaming genres we have today. Racing sports and shooting. The Odyssey, ancestor and cradle of life for Sony’s PlayStation, Nintendo’s Wii and Microsoft’s Xbox, was primitive by modern standards. It was battery-powered, for starters, and it had no sound, and obviously did not have a graphics card or multi processor GUI with internet capability. It was still the major source of entertainment for y