
Interpersonal Communication Report

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In 1984, McQuail asserted that all social interaction is necessarily communicative and any social process presumes a communication process. However, the components of and the rules that govern our social interactions are complex. Research by Lewis (1996) suggests that we obtain around 75% of information about other people from their body language, 15% from their tone of voice and only 10% from the words they use. When we communicate we send out a coded message using language, tone of voice, touch, facial expressions etc. The person with whom we are communicating de-codes this message and it is their interpretation that give them meaning. Research suggests that communication between two people, in face to face interaction is generally spontaneous and informal where the participants receive maximum feedback from each other and their roles are relatively interchangeable as participants alternately act as senders and receivers (Trenholm & Jensen, 2008). Nazarko (2002) explained that communication is not simply about the ability to speak and understand but also being able to use our five senses (Visual, auditory, olfactory, taste and kinesthetic) to communicate and receive information. Communication is an ongoing process, rather than an event. Researchers have devised two models to aid in analysis of the process: A linear model which shows communication as a system, a set of elements working together for a specific purpose constituted of seven elements; sender, receiver, message, channel, feedback, barriers and a result. The second is a convergence model which stresses the transactional and continuing nature of communication. The sender and receiver are constantly exchanging, encoding and decoding messages. When intercultural communication takes place, cultural values need to be acknowledged and both groups need to listen actively to ensure that they understand what is being said in order to avoid negative generalizations. Groups or individuals must be careful not to see things only from their own cultural background, this is called ethnocentrism. Organizational communications can be grouped together as mass communication, small group communications, interpersonal communication, public communication and intrapersonal communication. The implication of all communication is the creation of meaning which in turn is created by people. Effective communication is a vital life skill which dictates how successful we are at negotiating our way in life. This essay will discuss, by means of a conversation, how the various components of interpersonal communication such as social context, social identity, codes, representation and presentation relate to one another as they interlink and define our effectiveness to comprehend the world around us and the people we encounter therein. The conversation in appendix I must be considered within its social context, factors such as where and when a conversation takes place will influence the actions and reactions of those involved. Consider the following exchange between several members of staff at a large retail outlet which can then be analysed using Hartley’s (1999) theory of interpersonal communication along with reference to other theories we are familiar with. This conversation took place at 15:34 on a Saturday in the storage room of the shop with no other people present. The water to the staff room had stopped working due to a leak on the mains pipe, this was running off into the storage room which also houses the air conditioning unit compressor which makes considerable noise. It was the middle of the summer holidays during peak trading hours. There were a number of barriers to communication, for example, the understanding of the English language could hamper communication. The background noise from the air conditioner also made it difficult to be heard. The security guards appearance on the scene and his hostility further exacerbates the situation. Other barriers to consider could be whether one of the party had a disability or if mixed messages were coming from the manager? All these elements can result in a breakdown in communication and lead to a cycle of frustration betwee

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