Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeastern most point of the Polynesian Triangle. Easter Island is famous for its 887 monumental statues, called “moai”, created by the early Rapa Nui people known as Polynesians. These people settled here to bullet their society here. They created these statutes to express their culture. Little did they know they would use up one of earth’s most valuable natural resource; trees. When the Polynesians arrived the island was covered with trees about 16 million and some with a height of 100 ft tall. The trees were used to carry out the heavy statues. As Jared Diamond explains in his book, Collapse, Easter Island is the "clearest example of a society that destroyed itself by overexploiting its own resources." Once tree clearing started, it didn't stop until the whole forest was gone. Diamond called this self-destructive behavior "ecocide" and use this destruction as a clear example of what our future could be like. In the movie “the Lorax” a once healthy peaceful land full of colorful living Truffula trees became a dried out land. The Once-ler came across this land and soon enough took over it and destroyed its most important resource which was its Truffula trees. The Once-ler cut down trees for his invention Thneeds that was popular among the town. The Lorax, guardian of the forest and speaker for the trees warned the Once-ler that the outcome of him cut down the trees will be bad and dangerous for not only the environment but for the animals that live on the land and survive off these Truffula trees, but he didn’t listen. After every tree was cut down and used up the land was left dried out and empty and the Once-ler was out of trees to make his product and soon realized what a huge mistake he made. The animals could no longer live in the polluted area. The factory released gas into the clear fresh skies making it no longer safe for the birds to