
Knowledge and Power in Poetry

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A controlled mind is essential for knowledge to be retained. Society has put in place a set of rules, guiding how we should live our life’s. This forces people to learn life as society knows it, and implemented a standard for success. Through knowledge, Human beings evoke drastic growth in their individual power through cultured experiences. In life, people are quick to judge something because they are simply different, an innocence standard they can’t help to control, but bound to a set standard. Their is beauty in the originality of a person who hasn’t experience society as we know it today, the unfiltered mind. Additionally, skin colored doesn’t affect someones individual power or social value with one another, it is what makes each one of us unique. In todays time, we live in a fast pace environment, where things are more efficient than the past, showing how knowledge of technology is power. Initially, understanding power of the popular leads to outcomes in a societies traits and what we set our ‘standards’ at. In the poem "Much Madness is Divinest Sense," Emily Dickson expresses her displease towards the society for limiting the right and freedom of individuals. She understood that social power is increased by the popularity of the majority, displaying a strong distinction with expression of personal freedoms. That distinction is what is referred to as ‘divined sense’. In 1862, Emily’s was known to be a reclusive outcasted person, this poem served as an outlet of expression for her personal suffering. The correlation between knowledge and power is understood in social situations where in order to be successful you have to take the steps to get their. In todays time, compared to in the past, we have a lot of resources to guide our success, including the internet, and technological advances in science. In addition, judgement should be refrained to a lesser demeanor because it formulates people to judge personali

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