
Britain, America and the Revolutionary War

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The Revolutionary War began in 1775 and continued until 1783. The cause of such a war was the growing tension between the colonies, also known as the Americans, and Great Britain ("American Revolution History"). The colonies were wanting to break away from the rule of Britain. Many people wonder how the 13 colonies defeated one of the strongest countries in the Atlantic region, Great Britain. Each side of the war had many advantages and disadvantages. Great Britain had one of the strongest militaries in the Atlantic region. Not only did the British outnumber the Americans, but their soldiers were well trained and had exact orders. They also had a strong Navy that protected the coastlines. Although the British had the Americans outnumbered, the Americans had better weapons. They had rifles with better accuracy and more range. Military wasn’t the only factor in this war. If that was the case then the British would have won. A major role that helped the Americans was their allies. Their biggest ally was France. On February 6, 1778, Representatives of the French and American governments signed the Treaty of Alliance and a Treaty of Amity and Commerce. Between 1778 and 1783 the French provided the Americans with supplies, arms and ammunition, uniforms, and most importantly troops. The French also provided Navy ships to fight off the British fleet (French Alliance). Another advantage the British had over the Americans was the fact that they had money. Money that could buy more weapons and supplies, but these weren’t the only things they bought with their money. The British also used their money to hire troops from Germany called Hessians. The British hired approximately 30,000 Hessians (Hessians). Although the British had these foreign soldiers fighting for them, that didn’t stop the Americans from getting the Hessians on their side. The Americans offered many Hessians free land in return of them switching sides. After the war nearl

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