How does language and the inability to understand and communicate in an individuals familiar language affect cross-cultural relationships and the ability to look after themselves and their children? In Anne Fadiman’s The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, there are many instances where the views of the Hmong and Western views clash because of the language barrier. This puts a strain on Lia’s health between the two cultures. To be more specific, epilepsy is a huge concern for everyone around the world, but the Hmong and western views on epilepsy differ exceptionally. The Lees do not understand how extreme this medical problem is and the underlying effects it can have on their daughter. The language barrier is the ultimate reason why the two cultures have differences, for obvious and not so obvious reasons. With the clash of views and the outstanding language barrier, communicating to the Lee’s about their daughter’s medical problem became challenging. In connection to the novel, the movie, Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood, highlights many differences and problems between counter cultural relationships. Like Fadiman’s novel, Gran Torino staring Clint Eastwood, stressed the all around importance of understanding other cultures’ views and beliefs. As well as the novel and movie, a scholarly essay written by Helaine W. Marshall pulls apart the way Hmong adolescents learn and connects it too the way the Hmong learn versus the setting they learn in. The essay connects to the outstanding language barrier because although it focuses on the differences between the educational systems, the language barrier puts a strain on every aspect of the Hmong culture. This novel also emphasizes the obvious and not-so-obvious problems regarding understanding and agreements between cross-cultural relationships. Like most Americans, the Westerners believe epilepsy is a horrible condition that is difficult to treat. Since the Hmong see otherwise,