
Injustice of the Death Penalty

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The death penalty is considered injustice, discrimination towards the poor, different races, and a violation to our eighth amendment “cruel and unusual”. We condemn people such as Saddam Hussein, when he murdered his own people and for war crimes while we do the same. The eighth Amendment in the Constitution prevents the use of cruel and unusual punishment, such as torture and discrimination. The Supreme Court has ruled that capital punishment does not violate the eighth amendment. I support the death penalty because there are something’s that can’t be forgiving and those who committed the offense didn’t have any mercy for the victim. But I’m going to argue why the death penalty isn’t right. One of many problem that today’s society has now in days is the constantly struggle to make changes. We as a society must move away from the "eye for an eye" revenge methods and reestablish newer methods towards advancement to a safer world. The "eye for an eye" will never solve anything; it just causes more conflicts like gang violence, terrorism, and wars. Yes, we want justice served and the crimes accountable, but does it really make sense for the government to use murder to punish someone who has committed a murder or other horrible crimes? The government is basically is saying the following statement, “We kill people who killed people to show that killing is a wrong thing.” The death penalty is a long process, which can last for ten to twenty five years and the average cost to put someone to death is one to five millions of dollars. For some criminals, the death penalty does not scare them and they do not care if they give them the death penalty. For example, would you like for an extremist terrorist to gain fame from the death penalty after committing something horrible and making him or her a martyr or rather see him in prison without parole and live without pride or honor? Life without parole is cheaper than putting so

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