
In Search of Clean Water

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As the famous Mahatma Gandhi once said,’’ be the change you wish to see in the world.’’The quote means when the human race wants to change the world then the people have to change. The human race has a choice to help people with clean water. Clean water is defined as the lack of clean water and leading to diseases. Clean water is important because the people are missing work and school. Gandhi's quote represents the issue of clean water because people wish to see the world change. Everyone needs clean water in order to survive, However, many people don’t get the chance to get clean water. According to, every twenty seconds a child dies from a water related disease. Children should not go through this and live on. In Africa alone people spend forty billion hours every year walking for water ( This cause all the children to miss out on school and not have a great education, also missing out on work and taking care of their families. According to the longer children walk for water, it’s a greater risk of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Children's may have experienced this already, this is why the people need to have a clean water well near the town not a teenage pregnancy. Clearly, clean water is a serious problem because it affects so many people. In Kenya, Africa lie is harder, However, here in the united state is life is so easy.According to the culture grams database, in Kenya the most amount of money the make in a year is only one thousand, eight hundred. In the united states the most money the people make in a year is forty nine thousand, eight hundred. With so much less money the people in Kenya cannot give the children the basic needs to survive. In addition Kenya has about forty three babies that don’t make it till birth. However in the united states about six babies don’t make it till birth.This shows that Kenya has a major lack of medical services. Th

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