“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” - Albert Einstein George Orwell’s novel, "1984," takes place after WWII in the country of Britain, now called Oceania. The novel is about a government (Big Brother) that has totalitarianism over its people, but not everyone, there is one who strives to retain his autonomy. Winston, the main character, does not believe that the government should be able to tell him who he should love and what he should think, he wants free will, but the antagonist O’Brien who works for the Party (The Party is the group of people who work for Big Brother) wants Winston to believe that reality is whatever Big Brother says it is. The Party wants its citizens to believe and see that Big Brother is in control and has created the universe. This is however very easy because they have absolute control over history and the new, Winston’s job was to rewrite the past news to conform to the Party’s current whims. Big Brother can alter the perception of reality of a human being with the control of media devices. Big Brother claims to be above the laws of mathematics and physics because he uses the media to indoctrinate his people. Our society can easily be led down this path of dystopia if we put all our eggs in the basket of technology and social media. O’Brien says that Big Brother is in control of everything, even over laws of physics. He says that if he wanted to float he easily could, but that is not what the Party wishes for him to do (Orwell 215). It’s possible for a powerful government to make its citizens believe that they can control the laws of gravity and other scientific actualities. One of the tools the party uses is the “telescreen." The “telescreen” is one of the main aspects of mind control in the novel. It is the main way of brainwashing people to believe whatever they want the people to believe because they are on every street, alley, building, and home: “Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had