
Because I Could Not Stop for Death

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Death is an aspect of life that everyone becomes acquainted with sooner or later. From my own experiences I am more familiar with death than I could ever want to be. Poetry is something that is very difficult for me to follow, but when it deals with a concept that I am familiar with, then I am able to associate with the soul and heart of the writer. In the poem, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death,” by Emily Dickinson, I see it as a reflection of the passing of time and one's life while living. No one knows when it is our time to die, and we live everyday as if this one isn't it. We don't stop and say, "Ok, I am ready now. Come get me and take me to what lies beyond. Dickinson is saying that since we as humans tend to live on the hope for tomorrow, we don't want to think about the end of our life or when it will be. That time will stand still when, and only when, life draws to a close because it will no longer matter. Dickinson starts the first stanza of the poem with, “Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me.” I took this as she was not ready to die, not wanting to die, but simply took her by surprise and ended her life easily. I think it is a beautiful way to take on death because death is usually said in such a morbid tone and the fact she associated “kindly” with death is beautiful. The second line is “The Carriage held but just Ourselves – and Immortality.” The author emphasizes Carriage, Ourselves, and Immortality. From that, I got the hint that she is talking about her own death chariot. By immortality, she believes her death is not the end, but rather as a step to eternal life. She continues in the second stanza with, “We slowly drove – He knew no haste and I had put away my labor and my leisure too.” Dickson is explaining how death did not rush her, but she simply stopped living, working and “For His Civility” relaxed because death came for her. She seems happy wi

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