
Philosophies of Effective Education

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Throughout the course of the semester, we have been given the tools required to help define exactly what our educational theories and philosophies are. With learning about the different philosophies and theories from our lectures and notes and actually seeing them implemented in a classroom setting with observations, I feel like I have an understanding of what education is and how it should be with my own personal way of thinking. In response to my understanding of what education is I have come to realize that this will directly impact my future students. Therefore, it is imperative that I fully comprehend my philosophy and theory because of its impact on my future students. My personal philosophy on education is closely related to the philosophy of Pragmatism, but I also agree with the ideas of Neo-Thomism. Just like others who believe in Pragmatism, I believe that experience is everything. Because of our world’s constant change, it is imperative that we as humans learn from our own experiences. It is with questioning, trying new things, and learning from our own experiences, that we truly learn and comprehend. I also believe in the Neo-Thomism philosophy. Growing up in a Catholic family and Catholic School environment, I truly believe that God gives meaning and purpose to the universe. In theory, I feel that I best align with the Social Reconstructivism theory. I feel that it is best to create an environment where your students can question things. Just feeding information to kids and letting them soak it all in without letting them question is just turning them into robots that can spit out facts. I truly believe that it is best for students to be able to discover their own information. And by letting them discover and question, the more knowledgeable they will become and their understanding of the material will be at an all time high. I especially like this theory as a teacher. As an educator, part of this theory is that we ar

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