
Notes on Gracey by James Moloney

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1. What character(s) was your favorite? Why? Although it was a difficult decision, I think that Dougy was my favorite character in the novel. Dougy was pretty much the only character that hadn’t changed since the prequel. Throughout the novel he was just a young, innocent and adventurous teenage boy that showed that he really cared about his sister, Gracey. At the beginning of the novel he was annoyed with her that she was spending all her time in back in Cunningham with her friend, Angela and avoiding him. “I’m looking for Gracey but she and that Angela from the school in Brisbane aren’t anywhere around that I can see.” (Pg 4) Dougy is still sympathetic over Gracey and understands that it would be hard for her going to a school in Brisbane, being the only white girl. ‘It’s hard for her at that school and she can’t wait to get back here where she isn’t the only black kid.” (Pg 4) 2. What character(s) did you dislike? Why? A character I really disliked in the novel was Trent Foster. From the beginning to the end of the novel he became meaner and meaner showing more and more disrespect and hatred towards the blacks. “I’m getting sick of tossing boongs into the watch-house.” (Pg 65) On this page we can see the racist language that Trent uses towards Aboriginals. Trent then pays out Aboriginals for drinking even though alcohol is something that white men introduced to Aboriginals when they invaded Australia. “Why do they drink, these people? They can’t handle it. Stupid question. They drink ‘cause they’re pathetic weak bastards. All of them.” (Pg 65) 3. Does anyone in this work remind you of anyone you know? Explain. Yes, the character, Dougy in this work reminds me of my little brother. I believe my little brother had many of the same attributes as that of Dougy. My younger brother is quite adventurous and he also loves to collect things. Although my brother does not have a billy cart he still loves to collect random things that others would see as just junk, quite like the character, Dougy. In some circumstances my brother won’t think about things totally and just act upon them, similarly to Dougy when his older brother Raymond is getting taken away by the police. “I’ve got to get that bastard off Raymond before he chokes, so I jump the fence before Kevin O’Shea can grab me.”(Pg 135). 4. Are you like any character in this work? Explain. I don’t believe I am like any character in this work. I couldn’t say that any characters’ personality or skills resemble that of mine. I guess if I had to be one character that I was most similar to I would have to be Dougy. The only reason for this is because he has two jobs and is willing to work hard to make money even if the money being made isn’t much. “It’s my job. Newspapers. So now I’ve got another job – getting lunch in for all the workers on the building site.” (Pg 55) 5. If you could be any character in this work, who would you be? Explain. If I could be any character in this work I would be Dougy. I believe that Dougy just has a very caring, brave and adventurous personality, which is why I would like to be him. He doesn’t have much to worry about, but he risks getting caught by the police to save his brother Raymond. “I’ve got to get that bastard off Raymond before he chokes, so I jump the fence before Kevin O’Shea can grab me.”(Pg 135). Dougy is also very caring in the fact that even know his sister is so rude to him he understands that it would be hard for her going to a school full of white girls. ‘It’s hard for her at that school and she can’t wait to get back here where she isn’t the only black kid.” (Pg 4) 6. What quality(ies) of which character strikes you as good characteristics to develop within yourself over the years? Why? How does the character demonstrate this quality(ies)? Qualities of Dougy strike me as good characteristics to develop within myself over the years because they are good qualities that are helpful to have in everyday life. Dougy demonstrates these qualities by being strong in all situations as he goes straight up to the police to help his brother, Raymond after the police had caught him. “(Pg ), sympathetic over his sister, Gracey and understands that it would be hard for her going to a school in Brisbane, being the only white girl. ‘It’s hard for her at that school and she can’t wait to get back here where she isn’t the only black kid.” (Pg 4) 7. Overall, what kind of feeling did you have after rea

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