
Moving Forward to Legalize Marijuana

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“Bammy," funk," pot," “grass," “reefer," “weed," “herb," “Mary Jane,” “muggles,” and “snop,” are just a few of the names for one of the most popular drugs in America: marijuana. Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds that is often smoked and eaten for certain effects on the brain. This a drug that has caused many of issues within the United States of American over the past couple of years, especially with Washington State and Colorado legalizing the use of it. Law enforcement says that criminalizing marijuana will reduce the number of accidents where people are under the influence of marijuana. Pot prisoners are costing America about $1 billion annually, which could have been used to advance other things in the country such as education and health issues. (Legalizing Marijuana). All together pot is a very trendy drug right now not only for teenagers but all ages of people. The government thinks they are doing the American people a favor by keeping it illegal but they need to look at the bigger picture; outlawing marijuana will not stop accidents from happening while people are under the influence, two states have already passed it as legal to smoke pot, and lastly pot criminals are costing America more money than necessary. Economists Daniel Rees of the University of Colorado Denver and Mark Anderson of Montana State University looked at traffic fatalities in thirteen different states that passed medical marijuana laws. They found that on average, traffic fatalities in those states fell nearly 9 percent after medical pot had become legal. They had two theories as to why this may be true, the first being that those that are under the influence of alcohol rather than marijuana tend to take my risks whereas those who have smoked pot don’t. The other theory they have is that most people who have smoked pot tend to not go out after smoking (Sandell). Although as a society we can never fully stop driving under the influence, we can make sure to not legalize things that would increase the accident rate. There is probably many people asking then why would the government make marijuana legal? Well there isn’t a direct answer to that question but having it still illegal is not stopping people from still doing it. If the government was to make it legal they should have cert

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