While there are many instances where food may be saved rather than thrown away, many companies choose to not take advantage of reasonable options in front of them. The conservation of labeled expired food have more purposes than most people realize. Although the possibilities of properly utilizing food tends to go quite far, companies don’t always realize it. Rosetta Newsome points out in an article Applications and perceptions of date labeling food, “The variation in date labeling terms and uses contributes to substantial misunderstanding by industry and consumers and leads to signi?cant unnecessary food loss” (745). Even though there are several different options and routes to take when conserving food, it usually gets thrown away any way. Taking a look at current policies held by food distributors and sellers will be effective, for deciding what needs to remain and what needs to change will benefit the masses of food consumers. Some companies are already making rational changes towards improvement but some tend to dwell on unproductive preexisting methods, which may be improved. Not only has food waste grown to be a large problem due to manufacturer and distributor regulations worldwide, consumers have made it worse as well. Taking advantage of labeled expired foods should always be a conscious effort among food distributors. Newsome mentions, “Open dating of food products has been practiced for decades, and has been key to achieving stock rotation at retail and providing information to consumers” (745). Although this is publicly known, acceptable food is still going to waste on a global scale. According to Bob Aiken,” It is estimated that 25 – 40% of food grown, processed and transported in the US will never be consumed." Although it’s not possible to utilize one hundred percent of all food sold, it is possible to increase the amount of food being taken advantage of. There are numerous organizations supporting this cause, after the seen amount of food being wasted. Not only does wasting food count out eating opportunities for needy families and businesses, it has other negative impacts as well. Aiken brings up, “When food is disposed in a landfill it rots and becomes a significant source of methane - a potent greenhouse gas with 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide”(Reducing food waste). Even though there are many causes of global warming, this is making the situation worse. Because of companies not properly utilizing their resources, the planet is gradually weakening even more. Bhavani states, “Since land is a shrinking resource for agriculture, the pathway for achieving these goals can only be higher productivity per unit of arable land and irrigation water” (384). Not only global warming becoming a more dangerous issue, la