In the world today, there are three kinds of love; Eros love, Philos love, and Agape love. These three are very similar but expressed in an extremely different way. “Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.”(Wikipedia) The term love is so powerful, but in today’s society it is used so loosely, not knowing when you actually say you love someone it means you will lay your life down for them. The term Eros love, which in the Greek it means erotic, this is the type of love that you feel basically from physically looking at a person. That emotion is real heavy during the early stages of relationships. The next type of love is Philos, in the Greek comes from the word Philadelphia which stands for “brotherly love." This is the emotion you suppose have for family members, meaning you will always love them, but never be in love. The last type of love is Agape this love is deeper and stronger than the previous two I mentioned. Agape means unconditional love, selfless feelings, no matter how a person treats you; you will always be the same towards them no matter what. Although this could be discussed in human feelings, it is not this love is divine; the type of love GOD has for his children. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (King James Version Bible). This phrase from the bible is very powerful, because this is showing the prime example of unconditional love or in the Greek Agape. The three texts I selected are Sonny’s Blues, A Doll’s House and The Willing Mistress, In these three pieces; James Baldwin, Henrik Ibsen, and Aphra Behn, used a various forms of word play to depict the different types of love that are expressed in their text. These three authors vividly describe their signs of love in different forms of writing; far as a poem short story, and a play. The first selection I will be discussing is Sonny’s Blues; the story is very powerful because it shows the help of family despite what you are going through. The story starts off by the narrator reading the newspaper and finds out that his younger brother Sonny has been arrested for selling heroin. I wanted to give this piece of information to inform the audience what type of relationship the narrator has with his brother, because after he read the newspaper he leisurely went to work. “That’s right,” he said quickly, “ain’t nothing you can do. Can’t much help old Sonny no more, I guess” (Baldwin 415). This statement by the young man, gave t