Nowadays, spending too much time on watching television is considered as a social problem. Since television is in the world, we cannot live without it. According to the article “Television Addiction,” by Marie Winn, television is addicting people like drug addicts or alcoholics. Also, they tend to get away from doing things such as reading and planting their gardens, as people used to do in the past. Winn believes that people are losing their chances to grow and develop due to watching television. Winn says, “In a way, the lives of heavy viewers are as unbalanced by their television “habit” as drug addicts or alcoholics’ lives. They are living in a holding pattern, as it were, passing up the activities that lead to growth or development or a sense of accomplishment” (609). Watching too much TV can ruin our lives. Many people think that they can control themselves whenever they want, but Winn states, “In this way television viewing, for those vulnerable to addiction, is more like drinking or taking drugs-once you start it’s hard to stop” (609). As she says, it is very hard to stop watching television as it is stop drugs or drinking. One of my friends is good example of this. He was the big fan of a TV program show, so the most important thing in his life was watching that show at that time. He was always talking about that show whenever I met him. I thought he was addicted to watching that show. The problem was that he could not do anything in his classes, because the show he liked was broadcasting at late night. Because of this, he was so tired that he was nodding in class all the time. Even though he tried not to watch that show so that he did not get tired, there was no use because he was so addicted. As we are part of this society, we have something to do every day. Students have to go to school and study, and parents have to make money to support their families and “housewives” have to do house chores. Howe