
Analysis of Freud’s Oedipus Complex

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?Sigmund Freud is the founder of modern psychiatry and developed the psychoanalytic method (Jacobus 475). In Freud’s piece, he explains how young children develop sexual attractions for their parent of the opposite sex. Freud also explains how young children feel threatened of attention of the same sex parent. Some of his theories go to the extreme of the son wanting to kill his father and marry his mother. It is said that if the children do not grow out of these so called fantasies, they become neurotic (Jacobus 477). Freud lacks in his use of rhetorical elements to make this piece truly work. He does not back up what he says with much research at all. However, some rhetorical elements he does use are allusions and diction to build his pathos. ?Freud makes allusions to Hamlet several times throughout his piece. With his use of allusions, Freud is able to give more reasoning behind his theory. Freud alludes to Hamlet when he says: "?Strangely enough, the overwhelming effect produced by the more modern tragedy has ?turned out to be compatible with the fact that people have remained completely in the ?dark as to the hero’s character" (Freud 481). His allusions help build his ethos and make his writing a little stronger. Freud uses several accounts of diction as well. ?Freud does not exactly follow through with his initial statement. He starts by explaining that he has extensive research to prove his theory of young children having sexual feeling towards their mother or father. Freud says that he has extensive research to back up his theories (478), but he neglects to reveal that throughout his writing. An author stated: ?It cannot be said that the world has shown much gratitude to psychoanalytic research for ?its revelation of the Oedipus Complex. On the contrary, the discovery has provoked the ?most violent opposition among adults; and those who had neglected to take part in the ?repudiation of this proscribed and tabooed emotional

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