
The Love of Phoenix in A Worn Path

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There is no greater gift then the gift of love; whether it is the of a family member or friend. The love that Phoenix has for her grandson is an example of such love in Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path." Phoenix has the kind of love that every child aches for during their life. It is not often that you will find that one special person who is willing to go through the trials that Phoenix does for her grandson. As old as Phoenix may be, she possesses a great love for her grandson. Her love for her grandson she uses as a guide on her journeys, a kind of crutch guiding her treacherous path through the woods. Every couple of months she must make the long journey through the woods into town to get him more medicine to treat is illness. The walk is long and hard on Phoenix, but having done this for years, Phoenix about has it memorized. She is not a quitter. She has no fears. Phoenix has one goal on her mind, to get the medicine back to her ailing grandson for whom she bears this deep, enveloping love for. Her devotion for her grandson is what keeps her pushing forward. The time when Phoenix was ready to quit all it took was the image of her grandson to remind her of her goal. Just that little push is all it took for Phoenix to continue on with her journey into town. Nothing could stop her now, not the two-headed snake from summer time or the hunter with his ugly threats now. Phoenix must continue on. She was not turning back now. She had to get to town. Phoenix was an eager woman, a very driven woman. She was driven by her love for her grandson. Once she made it into town, Phoenix did her best to make herself look presentable. She asked an older woman passing by to help tie up her shoes, then she proceeded up the “tower” (466) of stairs to the doctor’s office. Once there, it became apparent that Phoenix could not remember why she had come to town after all. Listening intently to the nurse and the receptionist talk back and forth, Pho

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