Heraclitus was a man who detested people and composed his ideas in complex riddles in a cave. Although he was a very odd man, his view of reality was extremely complex. Heraclitus questioned the origin of things, and how they came together to form the universe. Heraclitus saw everything as a matter of logos. To Heraclitus, logos was world order, or the “world’s rationale, its determining formula, the truth, and thus the key to everythings nature” (Heraclitus). In other words the nature of the world is to have some sort of order. Although the logos is all around us it is difficult to understand. His cryptic statement that "all entities come to be in accordance with this logos" has been interpreted numerous times. We come into contact with the logos every day. According to Heraclitus, there are two types of people, the few and the many. The few are the people that are “awake” or aware of the logos. These people knew that the world was in one and common to all. The many are sleepers. They come into contact with the logos every day yet they don’t see it. “The Logos is common” and all around us but “The Many” do not understand the logos, they live in their own private worlds unaware of what is happening around them. “Men are like people of no experience, even when they experience such words and deeds as I explain, when I distinguish each thing according to its constitution and declare how it is; but the rest of men fail to notice what they do after they wake up just as they forget what they do when asleep" (HERACLITUS). In this quotation Sextus Empiricus is explaining the concept of "The Few” and “The Many” by saying that men are as aware of the logos as they are aware of what is happening when they are asleep. People must live following the common instead of having their own judgments. Based on the logos, is Heraclitus’ view of flux. Flux is in essence orderly change. His view on flux can best be identified th