William Faulkner’s short story “Barn Burning,” demonstrates plot points with whichMarxist criticism is concerned. The story takes place in 1939 in the South during the post-Civil War era. During this time, people were starting to adjust to an economy without slaves. Before the war, people gained wealth at the expense of cheap labor. Marx believed that whatever class people were born in made them who they are. Karl Marx’s idea was to make people think about, and challenge, the assumptions of world they live in. The economic class is an important part of the story, given it causes vital decisions. Had Mr. De Spain not been wealthy it might have changed the outcome of the story. “'De Spain!' he cried, panted. 'Where’s . . .' then he saw the white man too emerging from a white door down the hall. 'Barn!' he cried. 'Barn!' . . . The Negro grasped his shirt, but the entire sleeve, rotten with washing, carried away, and he was out that door too and in the drive again, and had actually never ceased to run even while he was screaming into the white man’s face.” This shows how naive Sartoris was to betray his father and family for some wealthy stranger. He realized what his dad was doing is wrong, so he warned Mr. De Spain. In 1919, they established the International Labor Organization (ILO) to oversee treaties protecting workers with respect to their rights, including their health and safety, being violated by the sharecropper system. The Snopes family is denied by ILO in a system that only makes the land owners richer. Their family possessions consisted of a battered stove, broken beds and chairs, and a broken clock. “His two hulking . . . the battered stove, the broken beds and chairs, the clock inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which would not run. . .” They didn’t even own a saddle. Abner wore a coat “which had not been made for him.” His son Sarty wore “patched and faded jeans even too small for him.” They moved t