The Six California's proposal should be controlled by States Rights rather than Federal Authority. It is a plan to split California into six different states (huffington post). It is proposed as a California ballot measure for the 2016 state elections. The idea behind this plan, is to eventually give more attention to the lower income (poor) people living in California. This proposal would have a major affect on the society, and not only that, It would be extremely difficult to pass the law in the first place. According to the venture capitalist, Tim Draper, “it is an extreme long shot. Even if it makes the ballot, and even if voters support it, the proposal will need to get past the state legislature and most of the members in Congress.” Although it is a long shot it could be a good thing. According to the Washington Post, “If California were split into six states, it would create huge opportunities, and risks, for both parties in presidential elections.” That quote shows how many opportunities would open up, whether its jobs for everyday people, or opportunities for business people to expand or open up new companies. This could benefit the society for people with no job or people who just need a bit more money than they already make. Not only would it benefit the citizens, but also some of the people involved with the government. According to Washington Post once again, “It would empower Democrats in the Senate. It would also significantly increase the electoral clout of Hispanic voters, who are currently marginalized by America’s electoral system.” This shows how it could affect both Democrats in the Senate, but also just everyday voters in the state of California. If the question was in the hands of Thomas Jefferson, he would choose to put the proposal in the hands of States Rights due to the way he likes a small central government. As stated on wikipedia, “Jefferson sought to eliminate Federalist influences, especi