Citizens of the United States have the right to vote, drive, smoke cigarettes, and serve their country at the age of eighteen. When they turn twenty one, they are legally able to consume alcohol. Those who are nearly turning twenty one have most likely already been exposed to alcohol. Since a majority of young adults have already experimented with alcohol, having the legal age of 21 serves no purpose. If it isn’t successful at 21 and most teens consume alcohol when they are 16, 17, and 18, it should then be lowered to eighteen. In the article Young Adult Drinking by NIAAA, it stated that roughly “70 percent of young adults in the United States have consumed alcohol in the year preceding the survey” (NIAAA). The survey concluded that although teens consumed alcohol at a young age, the severity of the impairment on the brain function in adulthood differed from all the teenagers who consumed alcohol. By lowering the legal drinking age to eighteen, it would help prevent underage drinking, reduce traffic accidents, and bring a safer environment to future generations to come. In addition, there is a drawback to drinking at a young age, but educating the younger population about safety precautions on drinking earlier can help reduce rebellion and save the lives of many. According to an article on The Wall Street Journal by Melinda Beck, some studies say that “children whose parents drank with them at home or during meals were less likely to binge.” Although most parents teach their children how to swim, ride a bicycle, and how to drive, they should also teach their children how to drink responsibly. In an another article on The Washington Post by Rick Noack, in multiple countries, such as France and Italy, many parents have served a small portion of wine to their children during dinner, which has sets a good example for improving drinking behaviors later in children’ lives. If parents were to put more effort in educating their chi