To stay alive or die? Gayle Forman’s bestseller "If I Stay," shows a situation where Mia, the main character, has to make the right decision when her life is literally in her hands. This novel is truly different and one of a kind. It makes you have really deep thoughts about life and makes you feel really bipolar as well. Therefore, the author’s purpose, theme, and maintaing my interest is all demonstrated when and after reading "If I Stay." The author’s purpose is to show to the readers that anything can happen to your life. In the text, it says, “If I stay. If I live. It’s up to me” (Forman 88). Mia and her family got into a car accident when driving to her grandparent’s house in Oregon. Once she got to the hospital, the nurse also says, she’s running the show. (87) Mia didn’t think this would happen to her. But what Gayle Forman is trying to send to her readers is that, anything can happen to your life. At any second, minute, hour, day, etc. So, you should be thankful and live everyday of your life to the fullest. Just like Mia, she didn’t expect this to happen to her. This book helps the readers realize that your life is a very precious thing, so you shouldn’t take it for granted. People should live each day like it will be their last. Therefore, I think this is Gayle Forman’s purpose of writing If I Stay. Just like any other novel, they have a theme throughout the story. From reading this book, I believe that good versus bad is the theme to If I Stay. Through the events and character’s actions it shows a lot on how the theme could be good versus bad. Just the whole situation on how Mia and her family got into a car accident had her thinking whether to stay alive or not. In the book, it states, “If you stay, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll quit the band, and go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I’ll do that, too” (231). This evidence shows how it is a good reason why Mia shou