
The Identity of Huckleberry Finn

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It seems that in today’s society there is a constant struggle that many people do not realize is amongst everyone; the struggle to find one’s true identity. People try to fit into their friend’s posies or groups just so they can seem “cool." However, they do not understand that they are not truly acting on their own thoughts and wants because they are so amused by the fact of fitting in. Although this is quite common amongst people today, it was a different world in the earlier years of America. Identity is what sets everyone apart from one another and plays a huge factor into allowing someone to realize who they truly are. In the novel Adventures of Huckleberry by Mark Twain and the short story “The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane, the characters truly realize who they are only after the struggles that they encounter and endure. In "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," by Mark Twain, the main character, Huck Finn, is a troubled child who has to fend for everything else along with having to adapt to all environments that one could possibly imagine. Huck Finn’s judgment for survival is quite versatile in the novel, for this is what keeps him alive. For him it is hard at times to understand what his true identity is though because sometimes he goes off of his gut instinct but at the same time he just goes with whatever option comes first since he is so used to just living on the move. Huck Finn’s biggest struggle for identity is for him to understand whether he wants to act like a troubled child and cause problems and act cruel or if he wants to act upon his gut instincts which seem to be more civilized and moral at times. Huck faces a personal struggle within and must realize what his true self-identity is. One can repeatedly see the struggle for Huck Finn to understand his identity in Adventures of Huckleberry. His struggle is solely portrayed onto one big factor, whether he wants to help Jim escape to freedom or not. In Huck’s eyes Jim is merely a

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