
Practical Subjects and Childhood Education

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According to the Steineroz website, learning is the key to human development, but it is not a simple, homogenous process. The discussion about the right educational system is a discussion that is never-ending. Children have to be educated, but what is the right way to guarantee an overall education? What is important, what do pupils need to know and how can they receive this knowledge the right way? The focus in the German education system is on the acquisition of mainly academic knowledge. The most common type of teaching is the excathedra teaching. Here the teacher stands in front of the class and bombards the pupils with information. The teacher instructs the pupils and they have to memorize the information in a class test. The system is always the same, for example in the subject of Biology, here pupils get to know facts about photosynthesis. But is it really wise to learn unrelated facts based on a more or less compulsory academic curriculum? In my opinion personal development improves within a more age-based and experiential system and by a more practical approach to learning. It has been suggested that current academic subject matters should be replaced by more practical ones such as craft, technical drawing or workshop activities like drama, dancing, singing and so on. In the following I am going to point out how experiential learning dealing with practical subject matters shows a greater effect on the motivation and the learning success of the students. First of all, learning by doing is a very effective and successful method for the children. This is exactly what is done at the Waldorf School. They do not just collect the information they get from their teacher, but explore and examine the basic principle of a certain subject. Pupils at Waldorf School have to sing, be creative, paint, cook, and do other practical things. The author Carol Craggs mentions in her book “Medienbildung”: “By creating realistic activities which

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