With the industrialization revolution came the loss of a predetermined future for adolescents, and as young women became the constructors of their own self, they struggled with who it was they were (Brym, 2012, p. 25). With the plethora of options that a young women has access to, the construction of their identity becomes a complex process. This essay will demonstrate how the lack of confinement that came with the loss of traditional roles of women complicates the process of identity-making as it is up to them, and them alone, to construct their identity (O’Connor, 2006, p. 108). In traditional societies, the role of parents was to provide their children with a basic understanding of society’s norms, and adolescents underwent a fixed transition into adulthood as they would acquire the skills needed for their futures at an early age through observing their parents. The futures of children were set for them and were based on their parents’ roles (Tanner, 2009, p. 34). For young women, this meant that they would follow their mother’s role in being a housewife and try and find a good husband that could raise their children. However, the breakdown and alteration of workforce norms came with the industrial revolution, and so the transitional process from childhood to adulthood was no longer a predetermined one (Abbott-Chapman, Denholm & Wyld, 2008, p. 132; Tanner, 2009, p. 35) Adolescents had to spend a longer time acquiring the skills needed to pursue careers in the future, through educational systems, and this created a loss of assertion of one’s identity within society (Tanner, 2009, p. 35). The effects of the industrial revolution are seen in the contemporary world with the struggles that young women are faced with in shaping an authentic and individualistic identity (O’Connor, 2006, p. 114). As the social construction of identity began to rise, so did the need for authenticity of one’s self. In the past, the role of wome