
Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart

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“Things Fall Apart” Micro-essay In the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo’s life before he is exiled from his tribe and the shock of the arrival of white Christian missionaries’ great affections to his own clan when he returns reveals that a society’s or individual’s progress cannot be made without encountering any conflict. In order to sustain a successful, respectful and honorable life, Okonkwo has sacrificed many of his “womanish” emotions and feelings to overcome his internal conflict over his father’s shame and weakness. Okonkwo is a self-made, respectful member of the Umofia clan. Even though outwardly he looks powerful and strict, his life is filled with fear. His overwhelming incubus is that he might become like his father - lazy, useless, cowardly and unable to support his own family. He regards his father’s characteristics as womanish and feminine. What Okonkwo does and how he behaves all relate to his strong desire to become a person who is completely different from his father. Okonkwo is renowned as a wrestler, a fierce warrior; he works the hardest and he attempts the great titles in the clan. Also, most of the time, he acts emotionlessly. ; “(He) never showed any emotion openly unless it be the emotion of anger.” He isolates himself by showing anger through violent, stubborn, and fathomless behavior. Because he believes that “(to) show affection was an indication of weakness; the only thing worth demonstrating was strength”(29). He fears being effeminate and losing community respect, even shying away from showing his favorite child affection. Even though“Okonkwo was specially fond of Ezinma”. His “fondness only showed on very rare occasions” (56). He wants a successful life, and the conflict he’s been always facing - the worry of being weak and useless like his father, has helped him progress and succeed in a better life. But when we move along with the time and star

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