The Holocaust had been a part of the history of humankind since 1933. It was specifically in January 30th, when it all started. [ | 3] Many people complain about the reasons for studying the Holocaust, because they feel it is just another old event. Yet, regardless of its age, it is very important to the history of the world. The Holocaust began with an evil genius, who knew exactly how to bend the rules and commit crimes without being held accountable for them. He hated many people and as leader of the NAZI party, he had the power to complete such horrible actions. He worked so well at keeping it “low key”, that many people who were considered targets and wanted dead, did not know about the event that was in time happening. Adolf Hitler is called the master of destruction and organized insanity. The Holocaust is best known as a tragic legacy. From the book Night, we learn that very few people knew about the event and/or the reasons for the Holocaust happening. Holding someone against his or her own will without a logical reason is plain cruelty, just like it was done in the Holocaust. In addition, not only did the Holocaust cause great pain to families who had their loved ones killed, but also it made people crazy. Adolf Hitler, the mastermind behind every action, created Concentration Camps in Germany in which he held the people hostage and did frightful activities to make them suffer. Hitler was not known to personally kill or torture Jews or whoever was held captive in a Concentration Camp, however, because of him and his hatred, these people were executed. The first Concentration Camp opened in 1933. One of the first camps was opened in March 20, called Dachau.[Rosenberg, Jennifer | 8] The first people who were placed in those Concentration Camps until 1938 were political leaders who told Hitler that he was wrong doing among other things that made Hitler want to prove them wrong. One usually thinks of a camp as a place where one has a good time with friends. A Concentration Camp was totally the opposite of that. There were a total of six camps: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, and Majdanek. [Rosenberg, Jennifer | 8] One of the best known would be Auschwitz because it was the biggest camp of them all. In there, around 1.1 millions people were murdered.[Rosenberg, Jennifer| 8] Also, the author of Night was placed in that camp. Jews along with the other races targeted were told that they were going to be resettled, so they packed up all of their most valuable belongs and headed to train stations where their life would change forever, without them even knowing it would not be in a positive way. The camps were specialized in targeting the people and torturing, tormenting, making them feel the worst pain they could ever feel. Once a person was placed in a Concentration Camp, they were immediately taken over and viewed as things and not people. [Wiesel, Elie | 11] They were tattooed with a type of “serial” number and called by that. Nazi leaders, SS officers and officers who had the power to rule people, put the victims to work; they worked hard labor without almost any food. Families were quickly separated, men with men and women with women and children. Officers first checked who where the ones who were able to work and those who could not. Those who could not were killed or tortured until mu