"Jesus Camp" is a documentary released by Magnolia Pictures in 2006. This documentary takes place in two different settings one being Devils Lake, North Dakota and also in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. This documentary captures the life of a few homeschooled, Evangelical children who are anxiously preparing for the summer camp called “Kids on Fire” lead by Becky Fischer. Evangelical by definition means “of or relating to the Christian sect or group that stresses the authority of the Bible, the importance of believing that Jesus Christ saved you personally from sin or hell, and the preaching of these beliefs to other people.” Another definition is “having or showing very strong and enthusiastic feelings.” This summer camp is not an ordinary summer camp; this summer camp’s purpose is to influence these children on how to be great, strong, impactful soldiers in God’s army. This documentary received an abundance of criticism which leads to the closing down of the summer camp. Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady through different arrays of interviews show how Christians react in disgust to the Evangelical Christian ways while Betty Fischer brainwashes the kids into this very Evangelical Christian lifestyle that Christians speak against. One review of the documentary said that Jesus Camp “doesn’t just preach to the converted, it bores and frightens them.”This review by Jay Antani expresses how the documentary does not provide an opposing side. Antani goes on to say that the documentary tells us things we already knew, there was no contradicting, thought provoking arguments to make the documentary more interesting. Tim Evans review for the documentary states that the directors “don’t bother with a polemical voiceover a la Michael Moore but skillfully stitch together the comments of the Evangelicals themselves. It doesn’t make for a pretty picture.” What I see now after, reading Tim Evans full review, is that the Evangelicals made their own selves sound ridiculous so the directors did not have to. It would seem bad enough that the Christians already speak in disgust about them, but the Evangelicals dig an even deeper hole for themselves. We hear in a radio interview a conversation between two Christians talking about the “new brand of Christianity” better known as the