Rome must be considered one of the most successful imperial powers in history. In the course of centuries Rome grew from a small town on the Tiber River in central Italy into a vast empire that ultimately embraced England, all of continental Europe west of the Rhine and south of the Danube, most of Asia west of the Euphrates, northern Africa, and the islands of the Mediterranean forming once of the greatest empires ever known through history. The Roman Empire was found during that period of time, between 27 BCE and 476 CE. The Roman Empire had started when Augustus Caesar becomes the first Emperor of Rome (1). This era was known to be one of Autocratic governance. We can consider the beginning of the Roman Empire starts with Julius Caesar a permanent dictator (44 BC) which was a title the senate had to give it to him as he held supreme military and political power at the time. In contrast the Senate had highly praised Augustus because he had destroyed Rome's enemies and brought much needed stability. (16 June 27 B.C). As after the battle of Actium in 31 BCE, Gaius Octavius Thurninus, Julius Caesar's nephew and heir, became the first Emperor of Rome and took the name Augustus Caesar (2). The Empire came to an end when the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus was overthrown by the Germanic King Odoacer. (1). Augustus ruled the empire from 30 BCE until 14 CE making such great accomplishments reforming the laws of the city and the Empire by extension, maintaining Rome's borders, and secured the Empire a lasting name as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, political and cultural powers in history (1). As Unlike many other city-states like the Greek-state who excluded foreigners and forbid them from political participation, The Roman society unified its people and conquered its foreigners to be a part of the social and political Roman system. Eventually those who adopt the roman ways would be earn the Roman citizenship. Seats in the Senate and even the imperial throne itself were sometimes taken by persons from the Mediterranean realm outside Italy (3). The Roman rule had definitely left its trace which can be clearly seen among Europe and it shows in the geographic distribution of the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian), All of these languages actually evolved from the Latin language, the language of the Romans. The Western alphabet of 26 letters and the calendar of 12 months and 365.25 days are only two simple examples of the cultural legacy which Rome has gave to the Western civilization.(3) Establishment of the Historic City of Rome There are no specific historic documents or evidence determining the arrival of the Romans to the Italian peninsula and their establishing to the city of Rome but most of the historians depend on myths that had been transmitted through time between the historians who studies the ancient ages. Yet there are some archeological discoveries and historical documents which confirm the fact that it started by a small village which was established by the Latin Commander Romulus so it was later called Roma relating to its founder. He later proclaimed himself a king and became the first king of Rome and the surrounding areas. A series of Kings followed after him, they reached seven kings who ruled Rome after him. During the period that Romulus ruled in it he concentrated during establishing the city on the military side so He set a strategy which indicates: 1. Controlling the lands surrounding Rome. 2. Laid the first rules of the Roman religion. 3. The expansion of Rome and taking over the neighboring regions. The Rise of the Roman Empire As the Roman revolution broke out it brought down the tyrant king Tarllenius (509 BC). They considered thi