
Defining Originality

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Originality is defined as being the quality of newness that exist in something not done before or not get from something else. Originality is nearly the same meaning with other term such as innovation, novelty, ingenuity and encompasses a new idea or approach that departs from the traditional or previously established forms. Based upon the universally accepted definition of originality it would appear that perhaps it is an idea that cannot be achieved or fully realized by human being given the fact that since birth we are all influenced in one way or another to various degrees in out thoughts and actions by our outer environment and causes that come before every individual action. The easy conclusion to draw would be that everything is simply a matter of cause and effect or that originality as we define it is simply a fantasy because nothing that is thought or created by human being is new or not derived from something that paved the way for it. However, something about this conclusion doesn’t feel right and it then becomes important to take a deeper look at the notion of originality and determine if it is something that is achievable in the physical realm or perhaps the definition is too hard. Perhaps even our everyday of idea of originality is far different from the accepted definition. So instead of originality is far different from the accepted definition. So instead of originality being a state of newness or something that isn’t derived from something else since it is well established that all acts of creativity personify some kind of outer influence whether its conscious or unconscious, it may be more correct to apply the idea that originality is a novel approach or idea that departs from traditional or previously established. The latter seems to be the case especially when the concept of originality is applied to various artistic form such as painting, music, and sculpture where an abstract and difficult to define idea of or

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