Chivalry is a conduct that could be closely associated with knights and their institution of knighthood. In the past, chivalry was a type of moral system, which encased those knights whom would protect others who weren’t able to protect themselves on their own. A chivalrous man could be described as a true gentlemen in the fact that he is very cordial, distinguished, courteous, and generous. In order to display chivalry, one must be able to obtain these characteristics in such a way that his efforts are noticeable to others. Chivalrous men in my definition can be defined as those men who go over the top and succeed at doing the most when courting a young woman, or in a case where someone who was helpless needed help. But in the end, chivalry originally comes from the era in which knighthood was strongly looked upon. In Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote portrays the characteristics of chivalry in a different way than one would think. Don Quixote has an obsession with chivalrous ways thereby he attempts to mock them in away that he appears to be crazy. His main focus through his adventures is to protect and aid the helpless people. This is interesting and somewhat ironic because as Don Quixote attempts to portray himself as a chivalrous man who is trying to help others while fantasizing about his one love, Dulcinea, nothing he sees is actually happening around him. The irony is apparent because though Don Quixote is trying to display chivalry, in reality everything he is seeing is simply a figment of his imagination. Don Quixote’s adventures are not as thrilling as he seems to view and portray them; thereby this highlights the irony throughout this novel in relation to Don Quixote’s ‘chivalrous acts.’ In the beginning Don Quixote is clearly trying to follow the ‘rules’ of chivalry by doing what he read in books. This is interesting to witness because Don Quixote is not acting upon instinct in such a chivalrous way, but instead going along with acts he had previously read in a book. This is evident when he and Sancho were spending a night under trees and Don Quixote “didn’t sleep in all the night, thinking about his lady Dulcinea, to conform with what he’d read in his books, where knights errant spent many sleepless nights in glades and deserts, engrossed in the recollection of their ladies.” (Cervantes 66) Don Quixote was not only acting to be chivalrous, but he was conforming to the ways of chivalry. This demonstrates the irony of chivalry becau