
The Positive Side of Hunting

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Over time, those who oppose hunting have looked at it negatively without understanding about the positive effect it has on the world. Hunting is a significant human inheritance. In addition, hunting provides free data on animals, funds to sustain clean rivers and forests, and manages wildlife population. Animals are treated more humanely by a hunter’s swift bullet than by a slaughterhouse’s rusty blade. There are two types of hunters, the poachers and the sports-man. Nonetheless, people seem to judge hunters mainly by the actions of poachers. At first, I use to judge hunting based on the negative aspects. I thought hunting was a merciless sport were the killing an animal was only for its head, antlers, or fur. I saw hunters as unethical people and so do most of the people I know. Then again this was before I hunted myself and learned about hunting first hand. After my journey as a beginner sports-man, I learned some things that were powerful. Hunting was not what I had perceived it to be after all. Yet, there are still people that have a negative notion towards hunting because they do not fully understand its significance. Hunting has been around as long as humanity has existed. Hunting has played a key role in humanities fight for survival. Without hunting our ancestors may not have been able to survive. In his book, “Spirits of the Corn and Wild” author James Frazer states, that hunting may be a behavior that is inherent and about 95 percent of the time humanity has existed we have been hunters. Hunting has formed humanity and to take it away would take away a significant part of history and heritage. Hunting should be protected by laws such as Bill 273 signed on May 15, 2001 in New Hampshire. The bill basically states that hunting be recognized as a heritage and that it is to be preserved. For many families hunting is a tradition handed down from generation to generation. The tradition of hunting involves fathers teaching their sons about working hard, the virtue of being patient, the importance of a humane kill and the overall meaning of life. We as people have removed ourselves so far fo

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