The room was quite and dark. I sat quietly on the bench as I waited for my number to be called. I thought of my mother as I sat on the row of chairs thinking of why I even wanted to be a singer. Was this all really worth it? What if they hated me? What if I was laughed off the stage? I wouldn’t know what to do anymore. It all started when I was 6 years old. My mother was a one of the back up singers for praise and worship team for church. She’s the entire reason I even had the courage to be here. Her singing inspired me. It made me want to think that, if her singing inspired me, who’s to say that I can’t do the same with others? The thoughts flooded through my mind as I fidgeted with my number that was taped to my chest. I watched as one by one the last five people came and went. Finally, it was just my mother and me sitting in the room. The silence was defining and I almost jumped out of my seat and asked my mother to take me back home, thats when the handsome young man, his name is Jeffery, came into the room and called my number. My head snapped up to meet his gaze and I got up and followed him up to the stage. I walked onto the stage as my eyes adjusted to the stage lights as they deemed down into my eyes. I stared out at the crowd as I nervously made my way up to the microphone which stood in the center of the stage. I looked out towards the judges as my eyes adjusted to the room around me. I looked out at the judges and noticed who was there. There was Simon Cowell as usual, LA Reid, Britney Spears, and then Demi Lovato. I nearly jumped out of my skin and died right there. Demi Lovato was the most amazing singer in the world, and I could only hope to be as good as her one day. I held my breath as a goofy smile stretched across my face. Simon smiled at me and then asked me to state who I was and what I was singing. So I said “My name is Asahel Valdez and I will be singing 'Still Into You' by Paramore." He nodded and to